Sustainable Goals and Strategies

Environmental - Lead global industries in realizing the targets of the Paris Agreement

  • Green Solution — Drive green manufacturing; Produce smart environment solutions
  • Circular Economy — Optimize resource utilization; Maximize efficiency to build a zero-waste operation
  • Achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
  • Using 2020 as the base year, reduce emissions by 21% by 2025; reduce emissions by 42% by 2030; and reduce emissions by 63% by 2035.
  • Half of the Group’s factories obtain the UL 2799 “Zero Waste to Landfill” certification at Gold level by 2030.
  • Reduce water consumption intensity by 6% before 2025, using 2020 as the base year.
  • Achieve 100% installation of industrial wastewater discharge and water quality monitoring system by 2025.

Social - Protect employee interests and welfare, and build better social environments

  • Employee Satisfaction — Create a safe and fair workplace; Nurture and empower our employees
  • Win-Win Strategy — Educate future generations on science and technology; Give back to society through corporate social responsibility programs and philanthropy efforts
  • Maintain zero major labor rights violation incident every year.
  • Maintain zero occupational diseases caused by chemical agents every year.
  • Constantly improve the workplace environments to retain talent and maintain employee retention rate of 88% for indirect labor (IDL).
  • Provide an average of 30 hours in professional training courses for professional and technical personnel.

Governance - Implement ethical management, complete corporate governance, and protect the rights of our stakeholders

  • Corporate Governance — Manage with integrity and trust; Build a good corporate governance environment
  • Business Sustainability — Embrace operational excellence and transparency; Deepen partner relations for sustainable growth
  • At least half of the directors cannot be concurrently serving as the Group’s employees or managers.
  • At least 1 female Board director.
  • Conduct 10 major IT system vulnerability scanning every year to ensure zero impact from significant information security incidents.
  • Assist at least 80% of high-risk suppliers (supplying hazardous chemicals) in obtaining ISO 45001 certification.
  • Conduct ESG performance evaluation (covering green products, social and environmental responsibilities, and carbon management) for specific suppliers and increase coverage to 100%.
  • Require full materials declarations by all key electronics suppliers on RoHS and REACH management platforms.
  • By 2025, at least 10 of specific electronics suppliers with the UL 2799 “Zero Waste to Landfill” certification.
  • By 2025, at least 15 of key electronics suppliers that commit to use 100% of renewable energy for production of the Group’s products.
  • Achieve 100% survey response rates regarding the use of conflict minerals from suppliers to ensure that no conflict minerals are used.
  • Increase the proportion of audits conducted on mechanical parts suppliers every 3 years to 90%.