Sustainable Goals and Strategies

Global Code of Conduct and Responsibility Standard

As a member of Hon Hai Technology Group, which is a member of the international business community and the Responsible Business Alliance (“RBA”), the Group acknowledges and is committed to fulfilling its social and environmental responsibilities as a responsible corporate citizen and a global industry leader. This commitment involves integrating good governance practices across all facets of its operations and the Group. The overarching objective of the Group’s policy, FIH Mobile Global Code of Conduct (“the CoC”), concerning ESG and CSR, is to serve as a guiding reference for all levels of the Group’s management and employees. The CoC stands as the cornerstone of the Group, embodying its commitment to ethical business practices, responsible corporate governance, and sustainable operations. By integrating the principles outlined in the CoC into the fabric of the organisation, we solidify its role as the core foundation upon which the Group’s success, integrity, and positive impact on society are built.

Environmental - Lead global industries in realizing the targets of the Paris Agreement

  • Green Solution — Drive green manufacturing; Produce smart environment solutions
  • Circular Economy — Optimize resource utilization; Maximize efficiency to build a zero-waste operation
  • Achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
  • Using 2020 as the base year, reduce emissions by 21% by 2025; reduce emissions by 42% by 2030; and reduce emissions by 63% by 2035.
  • Half of the Group’s factories obtain the UL 2799 “Zero Waste to Landfill” certification at Gold level by 2030.
  • Reduce water consumption intensity by 6% before 2025, using 2020 as the base year.
  • Achieve 100% installation of industrial wastewater discharge and water quality monitoring system by 2025.

Social - Protect employee interests and welfare, and build better social environments

  • Employee Satisfaction — Create a safe and fair workplace; Nurture and empower our employees
  • Win-Win Strategy — Educate future generations on science and technology; Give back to society through corporate social responsibility programs and philanthropy efforts
  • Maintain zero major labor rights violation incident every year.
  • Maintain zero occupational diseases caused by chemical agents every year.
  • Constantly improve the workplace environments to retain talent and maintain employee retention rate of 88% for indirect labor (IDL).
  • Provide an average of 30 hours in professional training courses for professional and technical personnel.

Governance - Implement ethical management, complete corporate governance, and protect the rights of our stakeholders

  • Corporate Governance — Manage with integrity and trust; Build a good corporate governance environment
  • Business Sustainability — Embrace operational excellence and transparency; Deepen partner relations for sustainable growth
  • At least half of the directors cannot be concurrently serving as the Group’s employees or managers.
  • At least 1 female Board director.
  • Conduct 10 major IT system vulnerability scanning every year to ensure zero impact from significant information security incidents.
  • Assist at least 80% of high-risk suppliers (supplying hazardous chemicals) in obtaining ISO 45001 certification.
  • Conduct ESG performance evaluation (covering green products, social and environmental responsibilities, and carbon management) for specific suppliers and increase coverage to 100%.
  • Require full materials declarations by all key electronics suppliers on RoHS and REACH management platforms.
  • By 2025, at least 10 of specific electronics suppliers with the UL 2799 “Zero Waste to Landfill” certification.
  • By 2025, at least 15 of key electronics suppliers that commit to use 100% of renewable energy for production of the Group’s products.
  • Achieve 100% survey response rates regarding the use of conflict minerals from suppliers to ensure that no conflict minerals are used.
  • Increase the proportion of audits conducted on mechanical parts suppliers every 3 years to 90%.