Decarbonisation Pathway

Energy Management and Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction

FIH strives to meet its energy-efficiency targets, which have been deliverd to the Group’s business units and relative departments. Being included in the scope of Hon Hai Technology Group’s SBTi target, which was submitted in 2022, the Group has set a target that is compatible with the SBTi target to lower the absolute value of the electricity consumption andx GHG emissions by 4.2% annually compared to the baseline in 2020.

FIH has effectively accomplished GHG emissions reduction by 57.68% and electricity consumption by 64.45%. Through policies, systems, and measures, such as the implementation and maintenance of the ISO 50001 energy management system, the Group actively promotes energy efficiency management, the use of renewable energy, and the corresponding reduction of GHG emissions.

During this Reporting Period, manufacturing factories in Langfang, Longhua, Beijing, Hengyang, Yantai, Fushan, the United States, Mexico, and headquarters in Taiwan, were certified with the ISO 14064 GHG Emissions Accounting and Verification.In order to reduce GHG emissions from our electricity consumption,  5 factories of the Group have installed solar panels and 4 factories have purchased renewable energy including solar and wind power to substitute the fossil fuel-based electricity. Furthermore, factories in Longhua and Mexico have gone extra mile by acquiring renewable energy certificates (“RECs”) as an alternative way to use renewable energy. These certificates serve as concrete proof that the electricity they consume is derived from renewable energy resources and supplied to factories through the grid.

Notably, the Group is continuously seeking opportunities to invest in renewable energy. We have been engaging in negotiations with sustainable energy companies to underscore our firm dedication to investing in renewable energy and facilitating the transition to sustainable energy. The investment in renewable energy could potentially have long-term positive impacts financially and environmentally, fostering innovation, reducing carbon emissions, and securing renewable energy for the Group.